In 2015, Global HelpNet began sponsoring Phillip and Shelley St. George in Indonesia for five years. This is in accordance with Global HelpNet mission and goals.

Phill has a BA in Business Management and over 40 years developing new businesses, as well as the management, training and supervision of employees. He has been innovative in new business concepts and building teams that work together successfully.

Shelley’s education includes Early Childhood education, Master Trainer Girl Scouts USA and Volunteer Management. She has over 30 years of experience working with children and youth, developing programs in impoverished neighborhoods, refugee housings and Native American reservations.

They will be working with local agencies promoting literacy, and preschool, English and business education. They have ties to Island Literacy Network which supports Cinta Baca Library and several colleges on Java. They have been to Java several times over the last nine years, conducted seminars on storytelling, developing preschools, early child development, volunteering, developing business, team building and working with English Clubs.

Phill’s and Shelley’s work in these areas are purely as retired volunteers, so they will have many needs in order to fulfill Global HelpNet’s objectives. They are in need of a second laptop*, a printer* and will need help with transportation cost once on the ground. Any support, of course, may be tax deductible* but even of more importance is that you will be a part of promoting literacy and education in a part of the world where illiteracy is nearly 40%.

*Note: The amount of your charitable contribution of property is generally the fair market value of the property at the time of the contribution. Please consult your tax adviser regarding all contributions.