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Overview of Educational Programs

* Indonesia – Educational Programs
* Continue to provide teacher-training courses for Indonesian teachers who teach English through the annual TESOL program.
* Develop an intensive TESOL or ESL certification program for Indonesian teachers.
* Scholarship assistance for students and/or teachers for undergraduate and graduate programs

Cinta Baca Library – Bogor (Education)

* Continue to assist in the development of children’s programs
* Continue training of staff to develop and implement children’s programs
* Provide volunteers for specialty programs such as English Day, Cinta Baca English Club, Summer Camp, etc.
* Assist in developing English Resource Center
* Provide books in English – non-fiction, fiction, ESL
* Assist with literacy and tutoring programs
* Provide funding for operational expenses and library books
* Provide scholarship assistance for poor students

Cinta Baca Library – National (Community Development)

* Provide teams of workers to help rebuild schoolrooms in disrepair
* Provide funding to establish Reading Post libraries in villages to develop a love of reading and to promote family reading programs
* Provide funding for books for the Cinta Baca Libraries around Indonesia, including Reading Post libraries
* Help the libraries provide scholarships for local teachers to attend the TESOL teacher-training workshops
* Explore the possibility of providing corporate sponsorship of individual libraries

Surabaya – urban

* Literacy, education and small business development

Timor – rural

* Literacy, education and teacher training